Thursday 14 February 2013

Walk Cycles

This is my first animation of Moom, a simply walk cycle. It's quite stiff and blocky, but for a first attempt and using no reference I thought it came out fairly well. It was helpful in learning the controls and gave me an idea of timing.

 This second attempt came out a bit better. I had given a bit more thought into each part of the body, such as when the heel leaves the floor. I didn't use any video references for this, but I did spend a lot of time studying how people walked through the city centre, picking out common features between them, such as the length of the stride, the arc of the arms and such. The movement in this is more fluid as it transitions more smoothly (although this could use a bit more work by smoothing out the lines in the graph more).

This third animation was made based on a video of a walk cycle I found on Youtube. Watching this video gave me a greater insight into the small changes in movement and weight that the body does to keep itself stable. I still think the body is too stiff though and I should have put some movement into the spine. Additionally, I should have tried using the arms in an FK setting rather than IK as they seem to be rigid as well and it's difficult to manipulate that in IK.

(any mention of references can be found at my sources material page).

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