Thursday 14 February 2013


This is extra animation that I've done on the side. I haven't done as much as I'd hoped I would as I had hoped to experiment a little more outside of the boundaries of the task set, but I am nevertheless pleased with what I produced.

At the start of this project, we started simple with a bouncing ball rig. Quite simply, had to make it bounce. This was my first attempt. It turned out quite well in my opinion, although I think it should have stayed on the floor a little longer.

This is the second ball bounce I did. After what I had learned from the first one, this was much easier to do and took far less time. The ball also seems more solid when it hits the ground and the timing seems to be almost spot on.

This is a parody I did of, quite obviously, a scene from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. It was a joke that came up into conversation and I eventually felt inclined to do it. Although it is just a short 3 second animation of Moom's head, I did have to pay close attention to the timing and get it almost perfect for the animation to fit in with the video. This took longer than I had expected mostly because I didn't know how to green screen and it took a good while to figure it out. Still quite pleased with it though. Don't really know why the video came out in such bad quality, which is disappointing because you can't see the full effect.

This one was me trying to really challenge myself. It's a simple one legged hop animation. When doing it, I thought carefully about what I knew about weight distribution and how the body would react to the leap. I'm overall very pleased with it, although I think the hands could have used more rotation as they moved in the circles. For some reason, Moom doesn't like being in mid or high resolution with a missing leg, so I had to render him in the low resolution. This was also the first time I had remembered to clean up the keyframes and delete unnecessary ones. Before, I had been lazy with the keyframes, just hitting the shortkey to keyframe the entire control just because it was easier. But with this animation, once I was finished I actually went back and deleted unnecessary keyframes.

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