Tuesday 13 November 2012

Final Images

The final images have gone through a few stages. The first one was from before I'd decided that the main character was from the Navy. Because of this, I hadn't yet thought of placing the town by the sea, so instead it was something fairly standard next to a river.

After I'd decided to move it to a port, this is the sketch that I had done.

Here is the sketch I did of the same drawing but digitally. The colouring was to give me some idea of the shadows and reflection.

I didn't really find any inspiration for any of these, they just came to mind and I just drew them down. I don't even have source material for them, save for my architecture study.

This was a really mixed thing for me. On one half of the image, I'm really proud of it, but not so much on the other. The way that the reflection on the sea water has come out of the sunset and the cliff, I'm really pleased with. However, the town on the side didn't come out so well and looks bland. Additionally, the Soldier stood on the pier doesn't seem right, but that may be because he wasn't originally intended to be in the image and was put in at the last moment as he was needed in a final image. He doesn't seem to detract from the full image though as I don't notice him when looking at the image as a whole.

In terms of composition, I like this image, but I don't like its overall turnout as I don't feel that I've used enough detail to really show off the dominance that I tried to give with the Soldier. However, I don't yet have the skill with any digital painting to be able to do any better.

This was meant to show a battle scene between the Soldier and the Witch. Having no designs for the Witch, I quickly took one of the silhouettes and threw something together using dark colours and wry hair. Again, not pleased with this image. On top of being rushed, there seems to be little depth and the background is very bland, something I could've easily done something about but didn't. Not pleased with this at all.

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